Canada's Premier Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined Ski Club
Just like the Olympic Motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius", the Altius Nordic Ski Club strives for its athletes to be "Faster, Higher, Stronger".
The Nordic Ski Hoppers program is geared towards “FUN and FUNDAMENTALS”. Participants are exposed to a broad range of sports and activities and cross training, including each of the Nordic disciplines. A supportive and positive environment is provided for all participants, with an emphasis on participation.
The Altius focus highlights overall physical development, enhances healthy lifestyles and leadership abilities in each participant. It also provides the base and introduces an opportunity for long-term athlete development in the sports of Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined skiing.
Winter Session Registration is Open!
Register Today!
Are you new to ski jumping and want to give it a try? Join us for our free Try-It weeks.

Ski Hoppers Multi-Sport Program
The Ski Hoppers Program is the entry level “Fun and Fundamentals”, year-round program for young athletes ages 8 -15. The program’s focus is on overall fitness and fun, while learning to Ski Jump and Cross Country Ski. Fun multi-disciplined endurance and strength-building team activities are included to keep your child active and engaged include hiking, swimming, mountain biking, climbing, running, skateboarding, soccer, rollerskating/rollerblading, parkour, tennis, active team games, and Cross Country and Alpine ski trips. The program runs year round, including an 8 week Summer Day Camp. Ski jumping equipment is provided as part of the program cost.
This multi-sport program highlights overall physical development, enhances healthy lifestyles and leadership abilities in each participant. It also provides the base and introduces an opportunity for Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) in the 2 Olympic Sports of Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined skiing.
Why Join Altius Nordic Ski Club?
- Have fun while developing athletic skills
- Operates year round
- Outstanding summer camp
- Flexible schedule
- Cross-training in many sports (soccer, mountain biking, gymnastics, swimming)
- Highlights overall physical development
- Enhances healthy lifestyles and leadership abilities in each participant
- Introduces an opportunity for long-term athlete development in Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined skiing