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Canada's Premier Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined Ski Club


Just like the Olympic Motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius", the Altius Nordic Ski Club strives for its athletes to be "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

The Nordic Ski Hoppers program is geared towards “FUN and FUNDAMENTALS”. Participants are exposed to a broad range of sports and activities and cross training, including each of the Nordic disciplines. A supportive and positive environment is provided for all participants, with an emphasis on participation.

The Altius focus highlights overall physical development, enhances healthy lifestyles and leadership abilities in each participant. It also provides the base and introduces an opportunity for long-term athlete development in the sports of  Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined skiing.



Notice of Altius Nordic Ski Club Annual General Meeting - June 7, 2023 at 6pm via Zoom

Please join us on June 7, 2023 ay 6 pm MDT for the Altius Nordic Ski Club Annual General Meeting. All members of Altius are welcome to attend. ASJNC, our PSO (Provincial Sports Organization) will be having their Annual General Meeting at 7 pm MDT.

We look forward to seeing you all online on June 7, 2023 starting at 6 pm!

This will be a virtual session held over Zoom. Please check your email for Zoom details.

Find us on Instagram at @altiusnordicski and Facebook at @AltiusSkiClub